
A beautiful Lake Michigan lighthouse.

Amidst The Roar of Ocean’s Might

Amidst the roar of ocean’s might,
Stands a beacon in the night,
Lighthouse tall, a steadfast guide,
In waves and storms, it does abide.
A symbol of hope, shining bright.

Its light cuts through the darkest veil,
Guiding ships through treacherous gale,
With steady beam, it leads the way,
To safer shores, where vessels stay.
A guardian, unwavering, without fail.

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A woman in a white dress walking in the woods.

Sweet Summer Stroll

Sweet Summer Stroll

On a hot summer day, the sun ablaze,
I asked you to wear the dress of my praise.
White with pink bows, with a neckline that dips,
A mix of innocence and sensual lips.

Hand in hand, we rode in the breeze,
To our favorite ice cream stand, with ease.
Cold treats in hand, I warned with care,
“Mind your dress,” a reminder to beware.

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Whispered Desires In A Crowded Place

In the world of lifestyle, consent holds sway,
But in public spaces, challenges lay.
Balancing kink with societal norms, a must,
To keep the lifestyle discreet, not to combust.

Consent is the cornerstone, beyond the bedroom door,
Respect for boundaries, must be underscored more.
For the public, a vanilla façade we adorn,
To shield from judgment, to keep our love untorn.

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In D/S a culture profound Where desires, emotions, & love abound

n the world of D/S, a culture profound,
Where desires and emotions abound.
To outsiders, enigmatic, yet to us, it’s clear,
A world of complexity, intricacies appear.

Exploration’s the thread that weaves our tale,
Curiosity beckons, like a ship’s hopeful sail.
In D/S’s haven, fantasies unfold,
A sanctuary of understanding, where truths are told.

In D/S a culture profound Where desires, emotions, & love abound Read More »

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