Edward Volkl

Coffee Aficionado, Podcaster, Poet, Writer, Advocate Of Everything Kinktastic & Sharing My Passion In A Positive, Uplifting Space.

Two books on a staircase.

Stop Shaming, Start Teaching

In any community, including BDSM and kink, certain behaviors can become patterns that are difficult to ignore. Unfortunately, poor behaviors, whether manipulative, predatory, or just outright harmful, often continue because they “work” in some way. These behaviors are not random or accidental; they thrive because they are allowed to persist. It is essential to have open conversations about what constitutes bad behavior, what manipulative tactics look like, and how to spot the truly dangerous individuals in the community. Addressing these issues is not about complaining; it is about education and action.

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A feminine shadow through privacy glass.

Fetish Friday: The Shadow Knows

Role play is an integral part of the BDSM and kink scene, allowing participants to explore fantasies, boundaries, and aspects of their identity in a safe and consensual way. It can transform intimate moments into experiences that help people express their desires, build trust, and even process deeper psychological elements. This week on Fetish Friday, the focus is on how role play in BDSM and kink not only opens doors to heightened pleasure but also offers an opportunity for personal growth, particularly when it comes to addressing psychological and emotional wounds. Understanding how role play connects with the concept of the “Jungian Shadow” can provide profound insights into how these practices can facilitate healing and self-discovery.

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BDSM, Fetish Friday
A line of trees in a morning haze.

Only One First Impression

In BDSM, D/S, and kink, making a good first impression is more than just about being attractive or engaging in a scene. It is about showing respect for the other person and recognizing their humanity. Behind every profile, behind every message, is a person with emotions, boundaries, and a life beyond the kinks they explore. Too often, people forget that and treat others as if they are simply “kink dispensers”, there to satisfy a desire without any recognition of who they are as a whole person.

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A masculine backside in blue jeans.

Fetish Friday: Explore the Backdoor

Sexual pleasure is often reduced to narrow definitions that attempt to fit everyone into neat boxes. However, human desire is too complex to be contained. One of the most stigmatized pleasures is anal sex. This form of intimacy is wrongly confined to certain stereotypes, particularly the idea that it is exclusive to gay men and certain genders or orientations. Yet, the reality is far different. Anal pleasure knows no gender, no sexual orientation, and no rules. Many heterosexual men, along with women and non-binary individuals, find deep and fulfilling pleasure in this form of intimacy. For this Fetish Friday, the complexities and realities of anal pleasure are explored, breaking free from outdated ideas and embracing the diversity of human desire.

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BDSM, Fetish Friday
A masculine hand

My Hand

The soft, smooth curve of your flesh beneath my hand,
Each strike a rhythm, a pulse, a steady command.
A shiver travels up your spine, sweet and slow,
As the sound of skin meeting skin begins to grow.
Your breath catches, a whisper of pleasure, so near,
In the air, your soft moans, a song I long to hear.

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Hair made into the shape of a heart.

Fetish Friday: Embracing the Sensuality of Hair

A hair fetish, also known as trichophilia, is a sensual and captivating aspect of BDSM that involves an intense attraction to hair, whether it be on the head or elsewhere on the body. The appeal of hair lies in its texture, its ability to be manipulated, and its connection to sensuality. In lifestyle play, hair can become a powerful tool, allowing for a unique dynamic that combines aesthetic pleasure with physical sensation. From pulling and stroking to more intricate forms of play, the exploration of hair brings an intimate layer of connection between partners.

The attraction to hair often stems from its versatility. Hair can evoke feelings of dominance and submission in different ways depending on how it is used. For some, the sight and feel of hair serve as a visual stimulant, especially when the hair is long, thick, or styled in a specific way that enhances a person’s allure. For others, the tactile experience of running fingers through hair, brushing it, or gently tugging at it can be an incredibly arousing form of sensual play. The emotional connection that comes from such intimate contact further strengthens the bond between partners.

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BDSM, Fetish Friday
New Year picture, a clock with fireworks exploding in the background.

A New Dawn

A new dawn breaks, it is New Year’s Day,
The promise of twenty twenty-five is here to stay.
Raise a glass to the moments that shaped our past,
But do not dwell, for those days are gone fast.

With every challenge that lies in the way,
Embrace the unknown, come what may.
Each setback a lesson, each stumble a guide,
Let hope and ambition be your joyful stride.

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