Edward Volkl

Coffee Aficionado, Podcaster, Poet, Writer, Advocate Of Everything Kinktastic & Sharing My Passion In A Positive, Uplifting Space.

A person in black holding their hand up to signal stop for Fetish Friday: Control and Denial

Fetish Friday: Control and Denial

Orgasm control and denial is a provocative form of play where sexual pleasure is manipulated through the strategic delay or prevention of orgasm. This practice combines both psychological and physical elements, weaving together anticipation, power dynamics, and the deep frustration that arises from prolonged arousal. The experience heightens sensation, turning every touch and tease into a thrilling game of patience and control. For those involved, it can lead to a more intense release when the inevitable orgasm is finally permitted. At its core, orgasm control and denial is a dance of power and emotional intensity, enhancing both the mental and physical aspects of sexual pleasure.

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BDSM, Fetish Friday
Magic wand and top hat in front of a red curtain.

Authenticity Is Magic

In BDSM and kink, there is a tendency to look to the past for guidance, whether it is through following traditional roles, structures, or images. While it is important to honor the foundations of the lifestyle, it does not mean that we must be tethered to outdated ideals or limited by what others expect. True fulfillment in the world of BDSM and kink comes from embracing who you are, not from following the herd. It is crucial to let go of the idea that we must fit into predefined molds and to encourage individuality and authenticity in the lifestyle.

Authenticity Is Magic Read More »

Hands about to touch for Fetish Friday's the Allure of Hands.

Fetish Friday: The Allure of Hands

Quirofilia may sound like an obscure term plucked from the depths, but its concept is simpler than it first appears. Quirofilia refers to an attraction to hands, an appreciation of their beauty, their movements, and the sensations they evoke. For many, hands hold a subtle yet powerful allure, often becoming the focus of desire and fascination.

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BDSM, Fetish Friday
Downhill ski racer at speed.


Skis try to dig, snow hard and unforgiving,

Hear the edges bite, metal on ice, a sharp clatter,

Every turn feels too quick, not precise, no time to think, just react.

The wind cuts like a knife, hurting the skin,

It’s biting, sharp, ice stinging the face,

Breathing is sucking on frozen air, cutting into the lungs.

Hahnenkamm Read More »

Couple on a mountain top.

Caring Is Not Exclusive Of BDSM

There is a misunderstanding in some BDSM circles that dominance is solely about showing care through simple questions like, “Did you eat?” or “Did you take your medicine?” These are acts of concern, yes, but they are not unique to dominant individuals. These expressions of care are commonly found in all types of relationships. Caring for a partner’s well-being is not the exclusive domain of a dominant partner. This misconception needs to be addressed. Dominance involves much more than offering a reminder to eat or take medication.

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A woman seen through an old fashioned keyhole for Fetish Friday's Watch Me Watch You on exhibitionism and voyeurism.

Fetish Friday: Watch Me Watch You

Exhibitionism and voyeurism have long been fetishes that explore power, vulnerability, and the thrill of being seen or observing others. This week’s Fetish Friday shines a light on these intriguing interests within the BDSM world. For many, these offer a deep sense of excitement through the exchange of control and intimacy. When practiced with clear boundaries and respect, they bring a unique form of connection that challenges conventional notions of privacy and autonomy.

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BDSM, Fetish Friday
A leather flogger and cuffs set on a red background.

The Flogging

The flogger cracks through the air, a whisper of leather before impact,
Each strike awakens the skin, sending a ripple through nerve endings,
A sharp breath drawn in, muscles tightening under the sudden heat,
The sting bites briefly, sharp yet invigorating, a spark of life,
Sensation spreads, first as fire, then softening to a steady glow,
Tension rises and falls, the body anticipating each touch,
A quiet rhythm builds, echoing in breath and heartbeat.

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